Friday, October 22, 2010

Before I leave for the weekend!

This week we've been working with the saddle and girth individually, so it was finally time to put things together. Sage says, "No big deal!"

We went for a walk and everything, and it's as though she has worn the saddle every day of her life. She's even started to pick up her feet quite well. I hope to be able to trim them soon. If not at this coming session with the farrier, then I'll trim them roughly myself and wait for our next session in 5 weeks.

She even decided to kick up her heels a little bit with Brandy, and they spent some time running around the arena looking extremely cute. I was glad I had my camera! Today, even before our training session, was the first day that Sage has really looked happy to me. It's kind of subjective, I realize, but I feel that she's been pretty distant. Of course, I would be a little distant, too, if all that happened to her happened to me. But today, it seemed like she really wanted to be with me and involved in things. For a two year old, she's always acted quite mature. It was so nice to see her squealing and bucking a little bit, actually playing!

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